The Ultimate Move In Cleaning Checklist


Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but before you start unpacking and settling in, it’s crucial to make sure your new space is clean and fresh. To help you get started, here’s the ultimate move-in cleaning checklist to ensure your new home is sparkling clean and ready for you to enjoy.

Move In Cleaning

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Make sure you have all the necessary cleaning supplies before you start. This may include cleaning solutions, a vacuum cleaner, broom, mop, bucket, sponges, rags, and gloves. Having everything you need in one place will make the cleaning process smoother and more efficient. Some supplies you will need to keep after move out from your old home, please check this post.

Start with Dusting

Dust from top to bottom, starting with ceiling fans, light fixtures, window sills, and walls. Don’t forget to dust corners, baseboards, and door frames as well. Use a microfiber cloth or a duster to capture dust and prevent it from spreading.

Clean Windows and Mirrors

Clean all windows and mirrors using a glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. Be sure to clean both sides of the windows and wipe down any window sills or ledges.

Wipe Down Surfaces

Use a mild cleaning solution to wipe down all surfaces, including countertops, cabinets, and appliances in the kitchen, as well as bathroom fixtures, vanities, and toilets. Pay special attention to areas that may have been overlooked, such as the inside of cabinets or the top of the refrigerator.

Deep Clean Carpets and Floors

If your new home has carpets, use a carpet cleaner or hire a professional carpet cleaning service to deep clean them. If you have hardwood, laminate, or tile floors, sweep or vacuum them thoroughly and mop with a suitable cleaner to remove any dirt or grime.

Clean Kitchen Appliances

The kitchen is an area that requires extra attention when moving into a new home. Clean the inside and outside of all appliances, including the oven, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and microwave. Remove any food debris or stains, and wipe down the surfaces.

Scrub the Bathrooms

Thoroughly clean the bathroom, including the bathtub, shower, sink, toilet, and tiles. Use a bathroom cleaner and a brush to scrub away any grime or stains. Don’t forget to clean the bathroom fixtures and mirrors as well.

Check for Pests

It’s crucial to check for any signs of pests when moving into a new home. Look for droppings, nests, or any other evidence of infestation. If you notice any signs of pests, take appropriate measures to address the issue, such as contacting a pest control professional.

Outdoor Areas Matter Too

Don’t forget to clean any outdoor spaces, such as a patio, balcony, or yard. Sweep or hose down the surfaces, remove any debris, and clean any outdoor furniture or fixtures.

Dispose of Trash

Finally, make sure to dispose of any trash or debris that may have accumulated during the cleaning process. Pack it up in garbage bags and dispose of it properly according to your local waste disposal regulations.

Final Check and Enjoy Your Fresh Home!

Before you start settling into your new home, do a final check to ensure that everything is clean and in its place. Take a moment to appreciate your sparkling clean home and enjoy your fresh start in your new space!

Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, and with the help of this ultimate move-in cleaning checklist, you can ensure that your new space is clean, fresh, and ready for you to create lasting memories. Happy cleaning and enjoy your new home!

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